Install zsh + ohmyzsh on FreeBSD

Before you install zsh + ohmyzsh on FreeBSD you need to install FreeBSD. I have a guide for installing it on a Raspberry Pi and one for installing it on a desktop. There are a lot of great things about FreeBSD but the default Bourne shell feels a bit dated. A couple...

Install Desktop FreeBSD 13.1: KDE, Radeon Graphics

I have decided to take the plunge and install FreeBSD as a desktop operating system. The machine is a 2012 HP Compaq with an i7 and an ATi FirePro 3900 (Turks) graphics card. The details don’t matter too much beyond what’s detailed in the title. If you...

FreeBSD Basics with Bastille pt. 1: /usr/local/

In this series, I’ll use an exploration of Bastille to explain some basic functionality of FreeBSD. This article starts with perhaps the most structurally fundamental part of FreeBSD, the /usr/local/ directory. Unlike most of my FreeBSD/Raspberry Pi articles,...

Use SSH with FreeBSD

If you are familiar with SSH on macOS or Linux, you’re in luck. SSH on FreeBSD works pretty much just as it does those systems (and you can use these steps to set it up on those systems). What is SSH? SSH stands for “secure shell.” Using SSH on...

Adventures with Linux Distros

Several years ago I began using elementary OS as my primary desktop operating system. I thought it was exciting—a Linux for the everyman, a Linux desktop environment that copied Apple rather than Microsoft, a Linux distro that didn’t package a bunch of software...